About Us

As a family rooted in the agricultural sector, we proudly carry forward our father’s legacy, transforming a small agricultural shop into a thriving distribution company. Specializing in the distribution of premium seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and tools, we are committed to delivering the highest quality products to support the growth and success of farming in Lebanon.

Our Values

Agrow values

Certainly! A company’s values represent its guiding principles and beliefs, shaping its culture and behavior. These values often reflect the organization’s commitment to various aspects such as integrity, innovation, customer focus, teamwork, and social responsibility. Companies may prioritize transparency, accountability, and diversity, aiming to create a positive work environment and build strong relationships with customers and stakeholders

Our History

agrow history

Our Message

Mootassem el sarraj

Yahya al Sarraj

As an agriculture company, our unwavering commitment remains steadfast in supporting farmers and addressing challenges within the industry. We are prepared to stay informed of the latest technologies, enhance our team’s skills, and ambitiously expand our branches. Together, we look forward to cultivating a future of innovation and growth in the field.

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